Humane Euthanasia Puerto Peñasco
Compassion without Borders held a humane euthanasia training at the animal control center in Puerto Peñasco in early March and is currently in negotiations with the local government to arrange for a contract to ensure electrocution, the current method of killing unwanted animals, is permanently halted. Puerto Peñasco is the most recent target for CWOB's expansive humane euthanasia program.
Stay tuned for a full article overview of the training and our plans, which we will be featuring here within a few weeks.
An emaciated dog loose in the animal control center. Dogs were able to squeeze between the bars and roam around between cages
Drainage is so poor in the cages that it actually spills back into the cages. This poor dog is hunched over sitting in a puddle of urine, with a cord tied around her neck
Dead animals are mixed in with live ones. Here a dead puppy carcass can be seen in the background
Overcrowded pens where diseased animals are mixed in with healthy ones, puppies with adults, males with females, etc. The cages are covered in urine and feces.
Most of the dogs suffer from malnutritoin, skin infections, and other preventable diseases
Most dogs did not have access to food or water
A dog skull litters the cage floor. Sadly, cannabilism is a last resort survival mehanism for these poor starving animals
Dozens upon dozens of puppies were housed at animal control in horrific conditions.
A mother dog can see her dead puppy who sits on the floor outside the kennel
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